Why Blog?
We?re often asked by Classic Exhibits Distributors about the benefits of blogging:? ?Isn?t it time consuming? How do you decide on topics? How often should I submit posts?? I have a hard time answering those questions because the answer is, ?It depends.? I ask them if they enjoy writing about our trade shows and events, or if they feel they have something to share about sales, marketing, or small business. They do, even if they don?t realize it. That?s the first reason to blog. Everything else is frosting on the cake.
Blogging may seem a little old fashion compared to Facebook and Twitter, but it?s not. Good content (and the catharsis that comes from writing) is important. So why should you do it? I did a search on ?Why Blog?? You might enjoy the answers, along with links to the original posts. Enjoy.
Build Trust
People are skeptical. They are skeptical about strangers on the street and they are even more skeptical about strangers on the internet. A blog with consistent, truthful and helpful content will allow you to bridge that gap between distrust to trust.
Growing Stream of Organic Search Traffic
It?s hard to think that anybody would doubt the benefits of blogging to improving your organic search engine efforts, which in turns drives more traffic to your site, but in case there are any unbelievers out there?here?s the evidence: ?people who?ve blogged five times in the last 7 days will get 6.9 times more search traffic.
But influence may be the grandest reason to blog. Garnering influence means building an online voice and thought leadership with every word you write, and every piece of content that you would share online.
Writing Leads to Understanding
Blogging forces you to write down your arguments and assumptions. ?This is the single biggest reason to do it, and I think it alone makes it worth it.
When you move from your head to ?paper,? a lot of the hand-waveyness goes away and you are left to really defend your position to yourself.
A business blog is an informal, easily maintained method for regularly communicating with your customers. A business blog offers a more approachable, informal information-providing approach in which customers find enjoyment, get to know your company, and learn about your products, achievements, and innovations.
A business blog is an informal, easily maintained method for regularly communicating with your employees. Whether you host your internal employee blog on a commercial site, on your webpage in a password protected location or on your Intranet, you have created a strong communication tool.
Email Filters Can?t Stop Blogs.
Blogs are primarily viewed through a Web page or newsreader. Therefore email filters are a non-issue.
Blogs Are Forever.
Since your blogs are posted to the Web, they are immediately available and remain live until you take them down (or stop paying for hosting). Email newsletters-on the other hand-are gone once they?re sent. Sure, the content from an email newsletter can (and should) be archived on your Web site?but it?s an additional step.
Search Engines Love Blogs.
Like Homer Simpson at the all-you-can-eat buffet, search engines just can?t get enough. It?s probably all that fresh content covered with a delicious sauce of hyperlinks that keeps them coming back for more.
One of the most important reasons to begin a blog is to better connect with your audiences. A blog injects a faceless company (large or small) with a personality. Much like successful social media strategy, a blog lets audiences know that there is, indeed, a face behind that company logo.
A blog will make great strides in enhancing your company?s visibility online. If your information is valuable, or noteworthy, enough it could facilitate conversations and ?buzz.? A company that is actively participating in educating their audiences, while including them in conversation, will receive more interaction than a company that simply boasts a webpage
By having a blog, you?ll force yourself to stay up-to-date on the latest and greatest in your industry.
Relationship Building
This aspect plays right into the ?trust? concept. Once your audience trusts you, you?ll be better able to construct valuable relationships with them . . . . A relationship is a two-way street. Don?t just blog AT them. Blog WITH them.
Did you know that there are currently?more than 164 million blogs on the Internet? Did you also know that more than 123 million people read blogs? If you are on the fence about whether you should start your own blog?and these numbers don?t convince you, here are five other?reasons why you should take the leap.
1. Maximization of your brand ? Blogging allows you the opportunity to continue to brand your business, product or service. It is another outlet to discuss what makes you unique, discuss the success stories you have and offer helpful advice to your target audience positioning yourself as the expert in your industry.
2. You have ultimate control of the content ? Unlike being interviewed for a newspaper or magazine article where after the interview is secured, it is up to the reporter?s discretion on what quotes and background info to use, blogging gives you 100% control over the content you publish. If you have an opinion or point to make, having a blog is the perfect forum to do so.
3. Personal connection ? Blogging allows you to connect with your target audience on a more personal level. It also builds trust.?It is true that people conduct business with those that they like. Blogging allows you to discuss yourself and your interests in a fun and creative way. Having a blog simply makes you more accessible and relatable.
10 Reasons for Creating a Blog . . . .
- Enhances your search engine optimization so interested prospects can find you easier.
- Demonstrates your expertise in your industry to build your reputation.
- ?Provides an outlet for reader?s opinions so you can create a dialog and build a relationship.
- Attracts potential customers by offering information of value regarding decision making about your industry.
- Brings recent industry news to light as a service which positions you to be a helpful resource to viewers.
- ?Draws positive attention to your company by offering a trusted voice.
- ?Promotes creativity by posing challenging questions people want to address.
- Advances digital marketing campaigns by delivering self-evident proof of the power of the medium.
- Informs others about your industry to create interest in its products or services.
- Challenges you to be an industry leader by forcing you to keep pace with the changes and trends.
I hope this was helpful. Please share any reasons you blog not covered by the list above. Thanks.
?Mel White
Based in Portland, Oregon, Classic Exhibits Inc. designs and manufacturers portable, modular, and custom-hybrid exhibit solutions and engineered aluminum extrusions (ClassicMODUL). Classic Exhibits products are represented by an extensive distributor network in North America and in select International markets. For more information, contact us at 866-652-2100.
Tags: blogging, blogs, booths, Classic Exhibits, displays, exhibits, rentals, Trade Shows
Source: http://www.classicexhibits.com/tradeshow-blog/2012/10/23/why-blog-what-bloggers-say/
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